i'll do and say whatever the fuck i want

what a freakin coincidence..his mom called me today. When i got home from work there was a message "haven't heard from u in a long time..how u been? give us a call...love u...send your mom my love"

*sigh* i'll call her in a lil bit.

ha! he emailed me. "act more mature...stop telling my business to your friends blah blah"

ok this is my dairy and i'll write whatever the fuck i choose. If it comes to mind i'm gonna write it. I'm gonna write what i think uncensored.

He said don't write back ever again...

I wasn't planning on it and I wish he'd do the same..there was no need to contact me cuz

1. i could give a fuck about what he thinks at this point

2. y the fuck should i care? Its not fair? fuck him. how he treated me wasn't fucking fair.

3. he had to have read my damn dairy..and he shouldn't. he is no longer a part of my life and i wish he would act like it. don't fucking worry about me and what i do...aint none of your fucking business. to u..i no longer exist so stop being a nosey bastard. thanks

Weather is so nice today...guess i'll go out....lot of people wanted to hang out..i think i'm gonna go downtown for emancipation day : )

2002-04-16/5:12 p.m.