spokenword from my life....

this is the spoken word joe formed from one ofmy entries...i love it....

"I met you, I stumped into some thick spider web.

STUCK...stuck into Abyss. Blinded by the web...

sticky and stuck in my eyes, sitting and waiting.

Feeding off the bullshit you fed. You drained me

of my soul...Until you were not hungry.

Then you leave, only this time...I see nothing and everything

but me. A current of crystalline Epiphany. I saw all that happenings...

I see...I see...blinded no more.

How fucking stupid I was and how needy I WAS TO LET YOU


Lessons better learned at 21 instead of 41.

Stuck in a marriage

5 kids and depending on your survival...I DEPLOY

Night has stopped for you

Day is no longer bright.

*sign* But I love you. I did not stop in

the struggle to love you. I did not stop running towards life,

towards peace,

towards bread and butter...

But lifted you in my arms and glued you to my ORANGE kisses.

Damn! great love, small beloved...


Future relations no more. Won't be none

Do not expect that I will look back at you in the distance.

Walk about with my betrayed photograth.

ME is what matters. SELF love is me...ME is what I love. Niggaz get on my nerve anyway...

Ya'll talk too muck fucking jive.

Fuck you nigga...

I hate you nigga...

You jive ass nigga...

Hope you fucking learn something nigga...

learn how to love others more nigga...

It takes a strong woman to survive, and survive I shall.

I'm glad my back wasn't strong enough...

Now I'll get to stand up, open broad ways against the shadow

making the earth smooth.

I am the great love, and you are the small beloved nigga...

A lame ass nigga...

A weak ass nigga...

I am ME, RIcki from the block nigga..."

thanx joe bear....

2003-02-26/2:33 a.m.